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Doctor Who - The Space Museum, by Glyn Jones

Doctor Who - The Space Museum, by Glyn Jones

The Edwardian Cricketer Media Review

The Space Museum is an interesting concept. For a television show that concerns itself with time travel, Doctor Who has seldom explored time itself.

Other Lives

Other Lives

The Edwardian Cricketer Media Review

This was a nice adventure... or several as it uses a tried and trusted method of Doctor Who storytelling:  separate the Doctor and his companions from the TARDIS and then from each other.

Doctor Who - Earthshock, by Ian Marter

Doctor Who - Earthshock, by Ian Marter

The Edwardian Cricketer Media Review

Ian Marter writes a very faithful re-telling of Eric Saward's script and does so in his own unique writing style.

The Girl Who Died: She-Geeks Series 9 Episode 5 Review

The Girl Who Died: She-Geeks Series 9 Episode 5 Review

12th Doctor and Clara Oswald

As always, DO NOT READ unless you're caught up on Series 9 of Doctor Who! As River would say: *spoilers*

Before the Flood: She-Geeks Series 9 Episode 4 Review

Before the Flood: She-Geeks Series 9 Episode 4 Review

12th Doctor and Clara Oswald

As always, DO NOT READ unless you're caught up on Series 9 of Doctor Who! As River would say: *spoilers*

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